Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Produced by ANON & Janella Jessica
This was The Anonymous Musician's very first song! When ANON got hired for The Janella Jessica Show gig, he was shy, a little naive and limited in what he could do with the electronic equipment he was given to use. But with the help of his spiritual guide "THE SHAR EYE OF WISDOM" and a passion for music...he evolved into the musician he is today with songs like "Take My Love" - "Happy" - "In The Light" - "Gaia" 
The song was about how crazy the world is and has become and it appeared in the most viewed episode "THE PLANE CRASH-EPISODE 2 SEASON 1"


Produced by ANON & Jason C
This was Anon's first 3 layer a capella that was edited many many times, about artist Jason Christopher's cat who died of kidney failure at 18 years old in May of 2012. The song fit with "The Possession" episode and's just a sad song. (The version on Anon's "Unplugged-esque" is even sadder!


Produced by ANON & Janella Jessica
The very first song to appear to the public on EPISODE ONE of The Janella Jessica Show...and Anon's first "celeb song" ... at the time Anon was a huge fan of Anderson Cooper but now he thinks he is probably a CIA shill who spreads lies and propaganda to manipulate the American "Sheeple". This greatly saddens Anon but he couldn't bring himself to delete or remove the song from Janella's youtube channel. It is only one of two songs where there is no digital manipulation of his recorded singing voice. Anon had some voice and throat problems during this too so the singing was very difficult!


Produced by ANON
One of the first "celeb songs" for Ellen Degeneres...This song and video all suffered due to massive computer problems. Anon likes the song thought, for it's simplicity and a more "pure" sound that seems a little more innocent than the more "R&B ish and sex filled" music of his current work. He likes the new stuff too though! ;) This appeared as the ending song to EPISODE 4 SEASON 1 "The Possession"


Produced by ANON & Janella Jessica
Another of Anon's attempts at grabbing a celebrity's attention.
This was the first song to have a drum loop which was during the pre "computer hard-drive crash" There were a gaggle of sound and video editing problems during this time and the song and video suffered for it but all in all Anon was pretty happy with the results. This appeared in the (still most viewed) episode "The Plane Crash" EPISODE 2 SEASON 1. And yes...Anon is an uber Star Trek fan!!!


Produced by ANON
This song is about the absolute disgust for the all mighty dollar and being poor in The United States of America. In the video, Anon wanted to portray the "sweaty working man" with a gangsta like flare (weak but it worked).
The song and video were some of the beginning of Anon's work---hence the stiff performance and lack luster back drop...but Anon has affection for "I Hate You" This was in the very first episode of The Janella Jessica Show as the episode's ending song!


Produced by ANON 
"MLVC" Madonna's initials...Anon wanted a spanish-esque theme for the music and video --- and of course Madonna paintings by artist Jason Christopher ---
It turned out "okay" but not one of Anon's favorites. The episode turned out AMAZING however!


Produced by ANON & Jason C
This song was an indirect tribute to Madonna! Anon's first favorite song! The video (pre overlays and just Anon and the camera) depicted a white bed like background and the cigarette after sex symbolism at the end. Anon's first "dirty" song! ;)


Produced by ANON & Janella Jessica
Anon tried to tie in the songs with the episode subject matter. 'Man' is a ballad about men treating their women with respect and love and in the video, a less glammed up Anon in camo. But the song didn't really fit with Episode 5 and the lyrics were just kind of confusing. Anon likes this one though...from the early days!


Produced by ANON & Janella Jessica
The last homage to a famous person by The Anonymous Musician...The "episode version" didn't live up to Anon's standards so he did a "slow version" that turned out even worse! Anon would like to do one more famous person song for PINK but other than that...that's it for famous peeps. These 2 songs are 2 of Anon's LEAST favorite!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Produced by ANON & Jason C
"In The Light" was Anon's first song for SEASON 2 of The Janella Jessica Show.
For the "downfall of America" and "corrupt government" theme of the show, Anon wanted to create a song that dealt with tyranny, false flag terror events, the lies and corruption of the US government and the world but also peace, light and love. The song almost sounded kind of "suicidal" but it was written dramatically for a dramatic show---but it did come straight from Anon's heart and soul! One of Anon's favorites---and the first video with 'overlays'! Turned out beautifully and effective!


Produced by ANON 
This song, of course, has been performed by many people...
Anon, Janella and Paige Jessica wanted a dramatic ending for Episode 6/Season 2! Since the episode mainly dealt with the downfall of 
The United States of America, we felt the song HAD TO BE IN THE EPISODE!
Written by Francis Scott Key and composed by John Stafford Smith, Anon thinks Whitney Houston's version is the absolute best EVER!!! 


Produced by ANON & Melrose Loveall
Anon had had a huge fight with his neighbors in the early summer
and became really depressed about it. A couple of days later as he was
lying on his bed with his cats, he just started writing down some lyrics
from a wounded heart! For most of the songs, they are written
specifically for a TJJS episode and its subject matter but this
one just poured from Anon's heart...a song about his surroundings at that moment. The sad news is that the audio turned out very damaged.
The video to "Tuesday" was Anon's first major "overlay" video that started the beginning of more complex vids that weren't just of Anon, his guitar and a backdrop! This video took many days to complete! so 5 stars for video
and one star for audio. This was also Anon's first collaboration with another artist...Mel Loveall! Her melody created a whole new song from what Anon had first composed! LOVE!!!